Banda Aceh- PT PEMA held various traditional competitions in order to enliven the celebration of the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia. The event was opened by the President Director of PT PEMA, Faisal Saifuddin. (17/8)
As is known, the Republic of Indonesia’s birthday falls on August 17. This activity is the first time the independence day celebration has been held within the company. On this occasion, PT PEMA held a celebration event as well as a gathering between employees through various games, such as cracker eating competition, Volleyball Sarung competition, Panik Nail, flour relay, Balance ball, peek cone and Balloon Cup.
“It is fitting that we improve to advance Indonesia, especially Aceh in a better direction. Through this activity, hopefully it can spur a sense of nationalism while creating a warm and festive atmosphere between employees.” Faisal said in his opening remarks.
The excitement reached its peak when the Volly sarung competition was held in the middle of the afternoon when the sun was reaching its peak which became the main attraction in this celebration. Despite the scorching heat of the sun, all participants with full enthusiasm and strategy worked together to win the prizes prepared by the company.