Banda Aceh – PT Pembangunan Aceh (PEMA) is the only Aceh-Owned Enterprise (BUMA) that passes the Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of Public Agency Information Disclosure in 2024 and is entitled to enter the next stage, namely the Public Test Presentation stage. This activity is part of a phased evaluation process. On this occasion, the Assessment Team consisting of the Chairperson and Commissioners of KIA along with experts in public information disclosure visited PT PEMA’s residence, Wednesday (31/7/24).
The assessment of Information and Documentation Management Officials (PPID) goes through several stages, namely filling out questionnaires that will be verified by the Monev Team against Public Bodies and Presentation of PPID Results. Based on the Monev Guidelines for Public Information Disclosure (KIP) 2023 Letter E Number 3, the Central Information Commission (KI) invites the Highest Leadership of Public Bodies that have met the passing grade threshold requirements to deliver presentations, as a public test media for innovations and strategies that have been carried out in implementing Public Information Disclosure.
The Presentation Stage itself will determine the value, category, and ranking of Public Agency compliance in implementing Public Agency Information Disclosure in 2024. The final result of the assessment is a compilation of the questionnaire and presentation stages so that it displays the qualifications: Informative, Towards Informative, Quite Informative, Less Informative, Not Informative.
The President Director of PT PEMA, Faisal Saifuddin, who is also the Supervisor of PPID PT PEMA, presented PPID PT PEMA, especially matters relating to innovations and strategies of PPID PT PEMA in an effort to provide information to the wider community.
At this meeting, the assessment team commanded by Arman Fauzi as Chairman of the KIA gave appreciation to PPID PT PEMA for its success in being nominated in the evaluation of information disclosure of public bodies in 2024. Arman Fauzi was also accompanied by Nurlaily Idrus (Commissioner bid. PSI), Muhammad Hamzah (Commissioner bid. ESA), Alfian (MONEV Expert), Adi Warsidi (MONEV Expert) Fitri Darmayanti & Gusmayadi (KIA Staff).
In addition, the two parties discussed several initiatives to improve services and further socialize the service features available on PT PEMA’s website and social media so that it is hoped that in the future the public will find it easier to access internal company information and realize PT PEMA’s information transparency.
Arman Fauzi also fully supports PT PEMA’s innovation and strategy in providing a special PPID corner which has been located in the Public Relations room.
“I strongly agree and support that PPID must have a budget and provide a special room for community visits to make it easier to realize the Company’s good intentions in the realization of a good PPID.” he concluded.
Supporting Public Information Transparency Through PPID, PT PEMA Receives Visitation from the Aceh Information Commission (KIA)